Asbestos testing and consulting in the Seattle Area. Sampling, Analysis, AHERA, NVLAP, Asbestos Survey and inspection, Mold Testing
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About Asbestos Northwest
At Asbestos Northwest we pride ourselves in being Reliable and Accurate. We analyze air and bulk materials.
Our analysts carry NIOSH 582 certification and receive constant on-the-job training. Asbestos Northwest has both NVLAP (lab code 200993-0) and ISO 17025 accreditation. With this accreditation, we are constantly checking our results with other NVLAP labs.
Our AHERA certified staff can conduct a complete asbestos survey of your property or take selective samples from a few materials.
You can bring samples to our lab anytime without an appointment, a drop box is available outside normal business hours.
For Asbestos Consulting and Testing visit "contact" or call : (253) 941-4343